In the next phase of my Meteor journey (read: learning the ropes!), I'd like to implement a simple search based on user inputed values, then redirect to a route specific to the record returned from the server.
At the moment, I'm picking up the inputed values via this code: 'submit form': (event, template) ->
console.log 'form submitted!'
countryFirst =
countrySecond =
Session.set 'countryPairSearchInputs', [countryFirst, countrySecond]
countryPairSearchInputs = Session.get 'countryPairSearchInputs'
return Router.go('explore')
Happily, the console log returns the desired countryPairSearchInputs
variable - an array of two ids. In my file I then have the following:
@route "explore",
path: "/explore/:_id"
waitOn: ->
Meteor.subscribe 'countryPairsSearch'
On the server side, I have:
Meteor.publish 'countryPairsSearch', getCountryPairsSearch
And finally, I have a file in my /lib directory that defines the getCountryPairsSearch
@getCountryPairsSearch = ->
CountryPairs.findOne $and: [
{ country_a_id: $in: Session.get('countryPairSearchInputs') }
{ country_b_id: $in: Session.get('countryPairSearchInputs') }
With regards to the search function itself, I have a CountryPairs
collection where each record has two ids (country_a_id
and country_b_id
) - the aim here is to allow users to input two countries, with the corresponding CountryPair
then being returning.
I'm currently struggling to tie all the pieces together - the console output on searching is currently:
Uncaught Error: Missing required parameters on path "/explore/:_id". The missing params are: ["_id"]. The params object passed in was: undefined.
Any help would be greatly appreciated - as you can probably tell I'm new to Meteor and am still getting used to the pub/sub methodology!
Edited: mixed up client/server for the publish method when I first posted - the danger of late-night posting!
First, seems you're expecting an :id parameter on your 'explore' route.
If I understand you're case, you're not expecting any params here, so you can just delete ':id' from your route:
@route "explore",
path: "/explore/"
waitOn: ->
Meteor.subscribe 'countryPairsSearch'
or either add a params to your Router.go call:
Router.go('explore', {_id: yourIdVar});
Secondly, you're trying to use a client function: Session.get() server-side. Try to update the publication using a parameter ; or using a
Meteor.subscribe 'countryPairsSearch' countryA countryB
not sure about the coffeescript syntax, check
and server-side
@getCountryPairsSearch = (countryA, countryB) ->
CountryPairs.findOne $and: [
{ country_a_id: $in: countryA }
{ country_b_id: $in: countryB }