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Javadoc and custom doclet

I'm trying to generate documentation of an android project using javadoc from commandline to use a custom doclet and generate a PDF file.

I'm using AurigaDoclet.

Here is the command, but it doen't find any source file:

javadoc -doclet com.aurigalogic.doclet.core.Doclet -docletpath "C:\Program Files\Java\aurigadoclet\bin\AurigaDoclet.jar" -format pdf -sourcepath "E:\Projects\MobileApp\src*.java" -package it org -out "E:\DemoDoc.pdf"

it and org are packages of the mobile app, but javadoc says that packages it and org do not contain any source files.

Should I specify the full path to each file of the project?? like this ""


  • I found your question while looking for an answer. I might have found one and want to share it. The following command worked for me.

    javadoc -doclet com.aurigalogic.doclet.core.Doclet -docletpath C:\PATH\AurigaDoclet.jar -format pdf -out D:\demo.pdf -sourcepath C:\projectFolder\projectName\src -subpackages mainPackage

    In my case i've got a package structure like this


    and the -subpackage command seems to go recursive through the content of the mainPackage