I would like to convert:
Hello Hello Hi Hello Hello Hi Hi Hi Hi Hello
Hello Hello Hi Hello
Hello Hi Hi Hi Hi Hello
I want to split a single line in 2, by having them have the closest amount of characters as possible, without cutting off a word.
I think I can probably do it with wc -w
, wc -c
, cut
, and/or awk
, but maybe you guys can provide some better ideas!
This can be a job for fold
, a handy util to wrap lines:
$ s="Hello Hello Hi Hello Hello Hi Hi Hi Hi Hello"
$ fold -w $(( ${#s} / 2 + 1)) -s <<< "$s"
Hello Hello Hi Hello
Hello Hi Hi Hi Hi Hello
This uses fold
to wrap each line to a given length. And how do we calculate the length? Just using ${#variable}
and dividing by 2 (+1 to prevent getting three lines if the length is odd). We then use -s
to prevent breaking words.
From man fold
fold - wrap each input line to fit in specified width
-s, --spaces
break at spaces
-w, --width=WIDTH
use WIDTH columns instead of 80