I have a widget-based class. It has two private QString
members. I would like to be able to use signals to notify when the values are changed. So for both variables I have a setter and a getter. I also have a signal.
Then - I would like to bind that signal to a slot in the same class (I know I could just call the slot instead of emiting signal - but I'd like to use signal).
How do I connect them? I tried:
connect( &invoiceFilterDirectionPart, SIGNAL(valueChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(invoiceFilterDirectionPart_valueChanged(QString)) );
But it doesn't compile - as invoiceFilterDirectionPart
is a QString
, whereas connect
expects first argument to be QObject*
I could use this
in the connect statement - but as far as single signal is concerned - i guess that both slots would trigger? Is only option two independent signals and then using this
in the connect
statement - or am I missing something?
Last question: do I need a Q_PROPERTY
to make all this work? When i first used it i thoud it is some kind of a magic macro - that when I used it, like this:
Q_PROPERTY(QString invoiceFilterContractorPart
READ getInvoiceFilterContractorPart
WRITE setInvoiceFilterContractorPart
NOTIFY valueChanged
I thought it will auto-magically generate the variable, setter, getter and the notifier signal. Sadly - that didn't happen ;). It just screamed that none of mentioned items exists. Is that all it does? Can't really find a good use case for it...
As far as I can see, you do not necessarily need to set Q_PROPERTY
but since invoiceFilterContractorPart
seems to be a property of your object, it is correctly used. Leave it.
Having a valueChanged
signal indicates a wrong way of thinking of the property. Assume invoiceFilterContractorPart
is a property of some class Foo
class Foo : public QObject
// ...
Q_PROPERTY(QString invoiceFilterContractorPart
READ getInvoiceFilterContractorPart
WRITE setInvoiceFilterContractorPart
NOTIFY valueChanged
Then what an external object gets notified about is:
Object foo1 of type Foo says: 'valueChanged'
and not
invoiceFilterContractorPart says: 'valueChanged'
Thus you need to change your signal, such that it is clear which property has changed, e.g. rename it to invoiceFilterContractorPartChanged()
class Foo : public QObject
// ...
Q_PROPERTY(QString invoiceFilterContractorPart
READ getInvoiceFilterContractorPart
WRITE setInvoiceFilterContractorPart
NOTIFY invoiceFilterContractorPartChanged
Now what an external object gets notified about is:
Object foo1 of type Foo says: 'invoiceFilterContractorPartChanged'
which enabled you to ask for the new value like foo1.getInvoiceFilterContractorPart()
Thus, you do not connect the property but the object owning that property:
connect(this, SIGNAL(invoiceFilterDirectionPartChanged(QString)),
someotherobject, SLOT(onFooDidInvoiceFilterDirectionPartChanged(QString)));
or inside of some other class Bar
connect(&foo1, SIGNAL(invoiceFilterDirectionPartChanged(QString)),
this, SLOT(onFooDidInvoiceFilterDirectionPartChanged(QString)));