Reading this post I thought I could use R objects loaded in the global environment straight away in .Rnw
documents and compile them directly to PDF in RStudio. But unfortunately that does not work for me...
I would like to make a summary
of a data.frame
that undoubtably is already loaded in my global environment.
Evaluating summary(JLLdata)
in the console produces the correct output. However, when I try to include summary(JLLdata)
in my .Rnw
file, I get the error (chunk 1) Object 'JLLdata' not found
Here my .Rnw
And here a screenshot from R Studio (you can see that JLLdata
is in the global environment and the Compile PDF error)
The code from the Sweave .Rnw document is run in a separate R session, so it does not have access to objects you've loaded or created in the console. You have to explicitly load the data in a Sweave code chunk in order for it to be accessible when you call summary