Search code examples

DOMXPath/PHP - Get a value only after specific occurrence

Guys I'm parsing an URL to get HTML dom elements.

Here is my code:

$url = '';

$dom = new DOMDocument; 


$xp = new DOMXPath($dom);
$qry = '//script[starts-with(normalize-space(.), "var colourVariantsInitialData")]';

$rawtxt = $xp->query($qry)->item(0)->nodeValue;

$jsonStart = strpos($rawtxt, '[');
$jsonEnd = strrpos($rawtxt, ']');

$collections = json_decode(substr($rawtxt, $jsonStart, $jsonEnd - $jsonStart + 1));

foreach ($collections[1]->SizeVariants as $item) {
    $SizeName = $item->SizeName;
    $PriceUnformated = $item->ProdSizePrices->SellPrice;

    $find = array('£');
    $replace   = array('');
    $Price = str_replace($find, $replace, $PriceUnformated);

    echo "SizeName: <b>$SizeName</b> - Price: <b>$Price</b><br>";


This code is fetching "text" from a script from the output source. Here is the complete text from this script:

My code is giving the following result:

SizeName: 7 (41) - Price: 27.00
SizeName: 8 (42.5) - Price: 36.00
SizeName: 9 (44) - Price: 36.00
SizeName: 9.5 (44.5) - Price: 36.00
SizeName: 11 (46) - Price: 36.00

My question is:

How I can get only the result for a specific SizeName, for example let's say for SizeName 7 (41) ?

Thanks in advance!


  • $specific have the string that you want find. Change the foreach in your code to this:

    $specific = '7 (41)';
    foreach ($collections[1]->SizeVariants as $item) {
        $SizeName = $item->SizeName;
    if(trim($SizeName) == trim($specific)) {
        $PriceUnformated = $item->ProdSizePrices->SellPrice;
        $find = array('£');
        $replace   = array('');
        $Price = str_replace($find, $replace, $PriceUnformated);
        echo "SizeName: <b>$SizeName</b> - Price: <b>$Price</b><br>";