I need to retrieve an URL to an image from CollectionFS. Image IDs are referenced in posts so first off I find find an Image that belongs to a certain post like this:
{{#each drafts}}
<img src='{{images pictures.[0]}}'>
images: function (id) {
return Images.findOne({_id:id});
According to CollectionFS examples you get the URL to image by using {{image.url}}, but in my case {{images.url pictures.[0]}} does not work and return a handlebars error to console. What is the correct way in my case to access images.url data?
Actually there is no reason to access the URL
using a Template.helper
, FSCollections comes with a handily UI-helpers , and you can use it like this.
{{#each drafts}}
URL: {{this.url}}
<img src='{{this.url}}'>
Just be sure that you have the correct download allow
download:function(){return true;}
FYI if you are using findOne
there is not possible use {{#each}}
you should use {{#with}}
since the each helpers only accepts arrays and objects
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