I have an Iterable, and I'd like to convert it to a Stream. What is the most efficient/shortest-amount-of-code to do this?
For example:
Future convert(thing) {
return someAsyncOperation(thing);
Stream doStuff(Iterable things) {
return things
.map((t) async => await convert(t)) // this isn't exactly what I want
// because this returns the Future
// and not the value
.where((value) => value != null)
.toStream(); // this doesn't exist...
Note: iterable.toStream() doesn't exist, but I want something like that. :)
Here's a simple example:
var data = [1,2,3,4,5]; // some sample data
var stream = new Stream.fromIterable(data);
Using your code:
Future convert(thing) {
return someAsyncOperation(thing);
Stream doStuff(Iterable things) {
return new Stream.fromIterable(things
.map((t) async => await convert(t))
.where((value) => value != null));