I know you can use a few tokens to customize the subject of the email, but I am looking for something a little more dynamic. I was hoping I could set an environment variable or write to a file somewhere from my build script, and have email-ext use that when formatting its email subject.
Is there anything available that might allow this?
Thanks for the help
You can modify the email subject using a pre-send groovy script as well.
For example, the following script checks for certain conditions and prepends some text on the subject line:
boolean isClaimed = false;
build.actions.each { action ->
if(action.class.name == "hudson.plugins.claim.ClaimBuildAction"
&& action.isClaimed()) {
isClaimed = true;
hudson.model.User user = hudson.model.User.get(action.getClaimedBy());
logger.println("[addClaimerOrCulprits.groovy] Build is claimed by " + user);
logger.println("[addClaimerOrCulprits.groovy] Sending email to claimer");
address = user.getProperty(hudson.tasks.Mailer.UserProperty).getAddress() ;
msg.addRecipients(javax.mail.Message.RecipientType.TO, address );
msg.setSubject("Attn " + action.getClaimedBy() + ": " + msg.getSubject());