Im building a file sorting script and I want it to search through multiple source folders using the same variable. How is this done?
Small example;
@echo off
SET "sourcedir=%a%"
SET "softdir=P:\=Programs"
SET "%a%=C:\downloads1"
SET "%a%=S:\downloads2"
SET "%a%=O:\downloads3"
IF EXIST "%a%\*.rar" (MOVE /-y "%a%\*.rar" "%softdir%\" )
IF EXIST "%a%\*.exe" (MOVE /-y "%a%\*.exe" "%softdir%\" )
IF EXIST "%a%\*.iso" (MOVE /-y "%a%\*.iso" "%softdir%\" )
that's, what for
will do for you:
for %%i in ("c:\downloads1" "s:\downloads2" "o:\downloads") do (
echo processing %i ...
if exist "%i\*.rar (MOVE /-y "%i\*.rar" "%softdir%\" )