I have two models, question and answer. I want to insert a list of answers thru ViewModel to a question but it seems in my post method my list is getting null. That might be a bad implementation as well, because I am returning a model of my question back when I post something and I guess my List is just getting null. How could I fix this?
Edit: I remade the controller and the view based on comments you gave me: Thats how it looks now, but seems my Answer List to be Empty again.
public class ViewModel
public IEnumerable<Answer> Answers { get; set; }
public Question Question { get; set; }
public ActionResult Create()
ViewModel vm = new ViewModel();
ViewBag.BelongToTest = new SelectList(db.Tests, "TestId" , "TestTitle").FirstOrDefault();
vm.Question = new Question { Question_Text = String.Empty };
vm.Answers = new List<Answer> { new Answer { CorrectOrNot = false, AnswerText = "", OpenAnswerText = "" } };
return View(vm);
// POST: /Question/Create
public ActionResult Create(ViewModel vm)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
vm.Question.BelongToTest = (from t in db.Tests
join m in db.Members on t.AddedByUser equals m.MemberId
where m.UserID == WebSecurity.CurrentUserId &&
t.AddedByUser == m.MemberId
orderby t.TestId descending
select t.TestId).FirstOrDefault();
if (vm.Answers != null)
foreach (var i in vm.Answers)
i.BelongToQuestion = vm.Question.QuestionId;
ViewBag.Message = "Data successfully saved!";
ViewBag.BelongToTest = new SelectList(db.Tests, "TestId", "TestTitle", vm.Question.BelongToTest);
vm.Question = new Question { Question_Text = String.Empty };
vm.Answers = new List<Answer> { new Answer { CorrectOrNot = false, AnswerText = "", OpenAnswerText = "" } };
return View("Create" , vm);
@model MvcTestApplication.Models.ViewModel
@using MvcTestApplication.Models
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
ViewBag.Title = "Create";
@using (Html.BeginForm("Create", "Question", FormMethod.Post)) {
<th>Question Name</th>
<table id="dataTable">
<th>Answer text</th>
<th>Open Answer</th>
@foreach(var i in Model.Answers)
<input type="button" id="addNew" value="Add Answer"/>
<input type="submit" value="Create" />
@section Scripts {
<script lang="javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
//1. Add new row
$("#addNew").click(function (e) {
var $tableBody = $("#dataTable");
var $trLast = $tableBody.find("tr:last");
var $trNew = $trLast.clone();
var suffix = $trNew.find(':input:first').attr('name').match(/\d+/);
$trNew.find("td:last").html('<a href="#" class="remove">Remove</a>');
$.each($trNew.find(':input'), function (i, val) {
// Replaced Name
var oldN = $(this).attr('name');
var newN = oldN.replace('[' + suffix + ']', '[' + (parseInt(suffix) + 1) + ']');
$(this).attr('name', newN);
//Replaced value
var type = $(this).attr('type');
if (type.toLowerCase() == "text") {
$(this).attr('value', '');
// If you have another Type then replace with default value
// Re-assign Validation
var form = $("form")
// 2. Remove
$('a.remove').live("click", function (e) {
For the ModelBinder to bind to a List the HTML form must be sequentially indexed.
is creating something that will be bound to an individual answer. You need to render HTML that will be bound to a List, something like
@for (int i = 0; i < ((List<Answer>)ViewData["Answers"]).Count; i++)
Also, this looks pretty awful casting ViewData all over the place. It would generally be better, if you plan to keep this approach creating a real view model. You could pass that model to the view and it could wrapper both question and answer collections.
You still need to have a sequential index against your list which your edited implementation is not supplying. Something like
@for (int i = 0; i < Model.Answers.Count; i++)
<td>@Html.CheckBoxFor(model=> Model.Answers[i].CorrectOrNot)</td>
<td>@Html.EditorFor(model=> Model.Answers[i].AnswerText)</td>
<td>@Html.EditorFor(model=> Model.Answers[i].OpenAnswerText)</td>