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NGINX: Redirect a user based on cookie for a specific URL only

I'm building a closed social network and currently when a user is not logged in they will always be redirected to the homepage of my domain.

What I would like to do is do the following:

  1. Use NGINX to check if a user is logged in (through checking for a cookie) and then when they go to the homepage ( redirect to to

  2. This check should only be applied when a user brows to the homepage and should not work at ANY other url (or else they would always be redirected).

I'm very new to NGINX and looked at various tutorials for using cookies for redirect but failed to get an answer (most notably to limiting the redirect to only the homepage).

Thanks in advance!


  • Final correct solution:

    location ~* ^/$ {
     if ($http_cookie ~* "wordpress_logged_in") {
        return 301;