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How to apply rotation to an ellipse defined by center and axis lengths?

This is embarassing, but however. My ellipse is defined by:

  • centerX and centerY;
  • majorAxis and minorAxis, lengths of both axis;
  • orientation, angle between the horizontal X axis and the major axis of the ellipse.

I started plotting the ellipse with its major axis parallel to the X axis:

theta = 0 : 0.05 : 2*pi;
xx = (majorAxis/2) * sin(theta) + centerX;
yy = (minorAxis/2) * cos(theta) + centerY;

Now I only have to rotate this stuff by orientation degrees or radiants. Any help? I tried a lot of stuff, e.g.:

  • plotting and then rotateing the object;
  • defining a rotation matrix R = [cos(orientation), -sin(orientation); sin(orientation), cos(orientation)]; and applying it to xx-centerX and yy-centerY.

For some reason I can't get desired results. Of course I need points to be rotated around the center, not the origin.

Side note: if this is any help, I'm trying to plot ellipses defined by regionprops, using the Centroid,MajorAxisLength,MinorAxisLength and Orientation properties.

To @Luis Mendo, here's what I get:

enter image description here

and this is another try:

enter image description here

For the bottom feature I'm getting orientation = 8 degrees, more or less, which is totally reasonable. But using your code, which I'm posting below, I get a -8 ellipse!

       theta = 0 : 0.05 : 2*pi;
       delta_x = (majorAxis/2) * sin(theta);
       delta_y = (minorAxis/2) * cos(theta);
       delta_x_ok = delta_x*cos(orientation) - delta_y*sin(orientation);
       delta_y_ok = delta_x*sin(orientation) + delta_y*cos(orientation);
       plot(delta_x_ok + centerX, delta_y_ok + centerY, 'r', 'LineWidth', 1.3);


  • xx-centerX and yy-centerY can be interpreted as coordinates with respect to axes aligned and centered with the rotated ellipse. To obtain coordinates with respect to the actual (non-rotated, non-centered) axes, say xx2 and yy2, you only need to apply the transformation

    xx2 = (xx-centerX)*cos(orientation) - (yy-centerY)*sin(orientation) + centerX;
    yy2 = (xx-centerX)*sin(orientation) + (yy-centerY)*cos(orientation) + centerY;

    Then plot the rotated ellipse with



    majorAxis = 2;
    minorAxis = 1;
    centerX = 10;
    centerY = 15;
    orientation = -45;
    theta = 0 : 0.05 : 2*pi;
    xx = (majorAxis/2) * sin(theta) + centerX;
    yy = (minorAxis/2) * cos(theta) + centerY;
    xx2 = (xx-centerX)*cos(orientation) - (yy-centerY)*sin(orientation) + centerX;
    yy2 = (xx-centerX)*sin(orientation) + (yy-centerY)*cos(orientation) + centerY;
    axis equal

    enter image description here

    The gap in the ellipse is produced because the theta step does not divide 2*pi. To correct that, use for example

    theta = linspace(0, 2*pi, 150);

    which gives

    enter image description here