I am trying to change the url to reset the password. By default laravel send http://yourdomain.com/password/reset/someEncrptedString
But i want to send link along with locale. i.e. current locale is en
(en for english)
How can do this? I have tried to append App::getlocale()
in action of reset.blade.php form
<form method="POST" action="<?php echo url(App::getLocale().'/password/reset');?>">
But it is not working.
After digging into Laravel-5
i found my solution with little change in password.blade.php
1 - Open resources/emails/password.blade.php
2 - replace line
Click here to reset your password: {{url(/password/reset/'.$token)}}
Click here to reset your password: <?php echo url(App::getlocale().'/password/reset/'.$token); ?>
If any one has better solution than it, then answer it.