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Rest Builder Client post request with header issue grails

I am trying post request with rest client builder.

We have following code

RestBuilder rest = new RestBuilder()
rest =""){
    header 'x-pushbots-appid', '550de488b4569'
    header 'x-pushbots-secret', 'e6717aea77d'
    contentType "application/json"
    json {
        token ="APA91bG9rUbBPURYejC1uzDLbqUMaeHulCtBNIYUokqV5QUwelLygKi8c5c2kD2lq05DXiiKJEDgH8NGfM6DFGhCETgSuX5kOr"
        msg ="sarath test from API call"
        sound ="ding"
        badge ="badge"
        payload ="JSON"

Postman is giving correct result for this request , while using rest client builder plugin, response is coming as null. I checked in api doc and code looks fine.


  • it seems i was wrong version of json builder. Issue got fixed after using compile ":rest-client-builder:2.1.1"