I'm using devise_token_auth gem for my Rails app. I want to login into application once the user sign_up is done. How can I skip confirmation.
I tried config.reconfirmable = false
but no luck
Can anyone suggest me or help me how can I achieve this? I tried the solution provided
Why won't Devise allow unconfirmed users to login even when allow_unconfirmed_access_for is set? But still ending up with
{"success":false,"errors":["A confirmation email was sent to your account at [email protected]. You must follow the instructions in the email before your account can be activated"]}
Add the following callback the model definition:
before_save -> { skip_confirmation! }
And remove :confirmable
from included devise modules:
devise :database_authenticatable, :recoverable,
:trackable, :validatable, :registerable,
:omniauthable # there is no :confirmable here