I have two classes in domain model:
class Project {
String name
Integer fund
class Task {
String name
Integer weight
Project project
How can I get Project with Task.name = "something"?
If i need Task with Project.name = "something", I can do it with criteria by createAlias, but how can I join Task in
c = Project.createCriteria()
criteriaRes = c.list {
I'm not sure if this will be helpful, but I've worked a lot with SQL so when I'm stuck figuring out how to create a criteria or where query I do it first in HQL since it's similar to SQL. If you don't plan on using a NoSQL database HQL is a good choice, but criteria and where queries are portable across GORM implementations.
So an HQL query that does what you want is
def projects = Task.executeQuery(
'select t.project from Task t where t.name=:taskName',
[taskName: 'something'])
An analagous criteria query would then be
def projects = Task.createCriteria().list {
eq 'name', 'something'
projections {
property 'project'