SKMaps is an excellent framework for a lot of mapping uses. I have a bit of a unique requirement and I'm hoping someone might have a solution. I'm curious if I can calculate a route, paint that route on the map, and then start navigation without having the map adopt the follow-the-driver UI. I want to be able to continue some basic interaction with the map (including animating different points to the center, etc) while navigation is in-progress.
My ViewController is both the routing delegate and the navigation delegate of the SKRoutingService shared instance. I did attempt to set the routing service's mapView pointer to nil when the route gets calculated, right before I start navigation, but to no success -- the mapView still zooms into the current location, the current position icon changes to the navigation one, and the map starts following the driver.
Any ideas?
Set the following after starting navigation:
[[SKRoutingService sharedInstance]startNavigationWithSettings:navSettings];
self.mapView.settings.followUserPosition = NO;
self.mapView.settings.headingMode = SKHeadingModeNone;
self.mapView.settings.displayMode = SKMapDisplayMode2D;
SKCoordinateRegion region; = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(37.9667, 23.7167);
region.zoomLevel = 17;
self.mapView.visibleRegion = region;
This would start the navigation but not change the view (the user position will still change on the map, reflecting the change in position)