I am trying to use Google Search query in my website, I need to get website URLs for the text I sent to the query, the code works fine for limited results, but then it stops working after some time, maybe Google disables it for some time?
Here is the code:
$cleanQuery = str_replace(" ","+",$text);
$url = 'http://www.google.com/search?q='.$cleanQuery;
$scrape = file_get_contents($url);
$text is the text entered by the user while searching. But the problem is it works only for sometime, then it stops.
Working example: http://www.alleffort.com/tools/findurl.php
If you enter some text in the textarea, then on submits it should retrieve all the related information, but it is not working.
The problem is probably the string you are appending to the url:
$cleanQuery = str_replace(" ","+",$text);
This does not prepare the string correctly for use in a query string, you would need to encode more characters than just the space.
Instead, you should use urlencode()
$cleanQuery = urlencode($text);