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How to solve an error 500 in heroku/rails?

My app is working fine in localhost but it returns error 500: internal server error when i run in Heroku. It says, "We're sorry, but something went wrong. If you are the application owner check the logs for more information."

I have this under my routes.rb

  get 'employees/showemployees'
  resources :employees

and this, under my controller

def showemployees
str = params[:str]
render json: @employee = Employee.where('fname LIKE ? OR lname LIKE ? OR mname LIKE ? OR username LIKE ? or id LIKE ?',
       "%#{str}%","%#{str}%","%#{str}%", "%#{str}%", "%#{str}%")


when i type http://localhost:3000/employees/showemployees?str=samplename it displays a json format of the record but when i type it will return the error 500

heroku run rake db:migrate

is already done yet still,


  • Found the answer!

    i just added i in LIKE clause like this ILIKE and have the code this way

    render json: @employee = Employee.where('fname ILIKE ? OR lname ILIKE ? OR mname ILIKE ? OR username ILIKE ?',
       "%#{str}%","%#{str}%","%#{str}%", "%#{str}%")

    it won't work in localhost but it works in heroku. So when running this app in localhost, the above code should have no i before the LIKEclause but when running this in heroku, ILIKE should be used instead of simple LIKE because when using LIKE clause only in heroku, it will be case sensitive...

    and by the way, id was removed.