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Actxserver function in matlab

I am going to make communication between Matlab and another software(DSATools).

A .bin file has been produced as an output by that software and I need to read it dynamically. As it is mentioned in the manuals of DSATools I should start with some thing like this to start the reading:

r = actxserver('ResultScript.BinReader')

But when I try it in command windows the following error will be appeared:

Error using feval

Server Creation Failed: Class not registered

Error in actxserver (line 86)

h = feval(['COM.' convertedProgID], 'server', machinename, interface);

Does anybody have any idea about these errors? What is the solution? (My OS is Windows 8 64 bit. My matlab is 2013 64bit and DSATools can be used by both 64 and 32 bit OS.)


  • Try to install MATLAB 32-bit version. See this link: