I know that this questions has been asked several times, but I couldn't find a solution for this specific situation.
So, here's what I have: DEMO
Basically it's a list of rows:
And the span
elements are all inline-blocks
and label
has text-align: justify
Everything works as expected, and as I want it to, but the vertical alignment. All the items are attached to the top, kind of. I thought it was the usual inline-block annoyance of the empty line afterward, but I tried setting the font-size
to 0, or removing the white space and nothing changed.
This seems to have to do with the line-height
– somehow it makes that pseudo element take up additional space. You can mitigate the effects a little bit by setting line-height:0
for the label
and the li
, and then a line-height:1
for .product-row-price
again … but that still doesn’t look that good, it still leaves some space at the bottom. (And a lower line-height will make the text in .product-row-price
I think a better solution would be a negative margin-bottom for the label, and overflow set to hidden:
.product-row-label {
margin-bottom: -1.5em;
overflow: hidden;
/* rest of existing styles */
FYI: div
in span
is invalid HTML – so you should replace those divs inside of .product-row-price
with spans and make them block.
Still doesn’t look to pretty though, because the different widths of the content in the first and third column makes the whole thing look uneven, so the content in the second column doesn’t align horizontally. (Although with a set width for the first and last column that could be avoided, if you’re ok with a little space at the right of the “shorter” values in the third column – something like this: http://jsfiddle.net/db0onh6c/8/)