I have a makefile for GNU make to build documents from markdown text files. The makefile has a variable INPUT
I want to set to the filename of the markdown file. All markdown files follow the pattern *.md.
However I want set INPUT
only to the filename when there is only one file matching the pattern, if there are more than one markdown file, make should exit with an error.
I tried the obvious choice
INPUT ?= *.md
but this sets INPUT of course to a list of **all* matches. So it works correctly for a directory which contains, say, only file_a.md
, but in a directory with
contains afterwards "file_a.md file_b.md
", which messes up my rules expecting INPUT to contain one file or to exit.
Any way to assign INPUT
as I want to with makefile syntax?
To do what you want you need to use the $(wildcard)
function to force the globbing to be done immediately (otherwise make will wait until the variable is used in an appropriate place before expanding the glob).
INPUT ?= $(wildcard *.md)
ifneq (1,$(words $(INPUT)))
$(error Too many or two few input files found.)