I'm trying to add searchability to my select with the angular-ui-select directive. When I use angular-ui-select, the model value turns into the entire timezone, not just the id.
Here's the code:
<!-- select with ngOptions doing what I want -->
<select data-ng-model="clock.time_zone_id" data-ng-options="timeZone.id as timeZone.name for timeZone in timeZones"></select>
<!-- my best try with angular-ui-select -->
<ui-select data-ng-model="clock.time_zone_id" theme="selectize">
<ui-select-choices repeat="timeZone in timeZones | filter: $select.search">
<span ng-bind-html="timeZone.name | highlight: $select.search"></span>
What am I missing? I'd appreciate any help!
This should work:
<ui-select data-ng-model="clock.time_zone_id" theme="selectize">
<ui-select-choices repeat="timeZone.id as timeZone in timeZones | filter: $select.search">
<span ng-bind-html="timeZone.name | highlight: $select.search"></span>