I have a dataframe of individuals who each have multiple records. I want to enumerate the record in the sequence for each individual in python. Essentially I would like to create the 'sequence' column in the following table:
patient date sequence
145 20Jun2009 1
145 24Jun2009 2
145 15Jul2009 3
582 09Feb2008 1
582 21Feb2008 2
987 14Mar2010 1
987 02May2010 2
987 12May2010 3
This is essentially the same question as here, but I am working in python and unable to implement the sql solution. I suspect I can use a groupby statement with an iterable count, but have so far been unsuccessful.
The question is how do I sort on multiple columns of data.
One simple trick is to use the key
parameter to the sorted function.
You'll be sorting by a string built from the columns of the array.
rows = ...# your source data
def date_to_sortable_string(date):
# use datetime package to convert string to sortable date.
# Assume x[0] === patient_id and x[1] === encounter date
# Sort by patient_id and date
rows_sorted = sorted(rows, key=lambda x: "%0.5d-%s" % (x[0], date_to_sortable_string(x[1])))
for row in rows_sorted:
print row