First of all some context: Four MPR121 Breakout Boards ( connected via i2C to a Raspberry Pi 2. A python script reads the data from the four boards and sends it to pure data with pdsend.
At the moment I have managed to get all the data I need to print nicely on the terminal. However, I am not sure how to get the same in pure data as I am getting text messages only (something like "print: .join(map(str print: diff3))")
I am pretty sure I need to change the os.system line to accomodate for the variables but I can't find how to do this.
Thank you very much in advance.
def send2Pd (message=' '):
os.system("echo '" + message + "' | pdsend 3000");
while True:
diff1 = [cap1.baseline_data(i)-cap1.filtered_data(i) for i in range(12)]
print 'Diff1:', '\t'.join(map(str, diff1))
send2Pd ('.join(map(str, diff1));')
diff2 = [cap2.baseline_data(i)-cap2.filtered_data(i) for i in range(12)]
print 'Diff2:', '\t'.join(map(str, diff2))
send2Pd ('.join(map(str, diff2));')
diff3 = [cap3.baseline_data(i)-cap3.filtered_data(i) for i in range(12)]
send2Pd ('.join(map(str, diff3));')
print 'Diff3:', '\t'.join(map(str, diff3))
diff4 = [cap4.baseline_data(i)-cap4.filtered_data(i) for i in range(12)]
print 'Diff4:', '\t'.join(map(str, diff4))
send2Pd ('.join(map(str, diff4));')
OK sorted.
This code gives me one line for each cap in pure data.
However, it does seem very resource hungry (the usage monitor marks around 50%) and that is without running the pd patch. Is there a simple way of making this more efficient?
Thank you!
import os
import sys
import time
import captouch as MPR121
# Create MPR121 instances
cap1 = MPR121.MPR121()
cap2 = MPR121.MPR121()
cap3 = MPR121.MPR121()
cap4 = MPR121.MPR121()
# Initialize communication with all 4 MPR121s
cap1.begin( 0x5a )
cap2.begin( 0x5b )
cap3.begin( 0x5d )
cap4.begin( 0x5c )
# Define send2Pd function
def send2Pd (message=' '):
os.system("echo '" + message + "' | pdsend 3000");
# Start loop
while True:
# Filtered and baseline data are commented out
# filtered = [cap1.filtered_data(i) for i in range(12)]
# print 'Filt:', '\t'.join(map(str, filtered))
# base = [cap1.baseline_data(i) for i in range(12)]
# print 'Base:', '\t'.join(map(str, base))
# Difference for all 4 boards are calculated, printed in terminal and sent to Pure Data
diff1 = [cap1.baseline_data(i)-cap1.filtered_data(i) for i in range(12)]
print 'Diff1:', '\t'.join(map(str, diff1))
send2Pd ('diff1: ' + '\t'.join(map(str, diff1)) + ';')
diff2 = [cap2.baseline_data(i)-cap2.filtered_data(i) for i in range(12)]
print 'Diff2:', '\t'.join(map(str, diff2))
send2Pd ('diff2: ' + '\t'.join(map(str, diff2)) + ';')
diff3 = [cap3.baseline_data(i)-cap3.filtered_data(i) for i in range(12)]
print 'Diff3:', '\t'.join(map(str, diff3))
send2Pd ('diff3: ' + '\t'.join(map(str, diff3)) + ';')
diff4 = [cap4.baseline_data(i)-cap4.filtered_data(i) for i in range(12)]
print 'Diff4:', '\t'.join(map(str, diff4))
send2Pd ('diff4: ' + '\t'.join(map(str, diff4)) + ';')
# Short pause before repeating loop