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How does one import symbols from a .fla file to an AIR project in FlashDevelop?

This is my first time working with AIR. In previous AS3 projects in FlashDevelop, I would create a .fla file with Flash Professional in the same directory as my source files and link my main class as the document class. I used Flash to create symbols and export them for actionscript and then wrote the definitions in FlashDevelop. That isn't working with AIR.

I have the .fla file in the same directory with all of my source files. FlashDevelop AIR Mobile compiles the project fine, but the application is a white screen. Compiling the same project with the same compiler in Flash Professional works perfectly, showing all of the symbols.

How do I access the symbols in my .fla file if I am compiling from FlashDevelop?


  • Try the following.

    In Flash Professional, go to your publish settings. Check the .swc box to export a swc when you publish (and make sure the export location is in one of your flash develop project sub folders. A subfolder called 'lib' is common practice). Also, if desired, uncheck other outputs in your publish settings.

    Export Your FlashPro Project as a SWC Publish your .fla.

    In Flash Develop, find the .swc in the project panel directory tree, right click it, and choose "Add to Library" You may also need to right-click again and choose "options" and tell it to "Include completely". Tell FlashDevelop To Include the SWC

    Now all the symbols from your .fla are available to your FlashDevelop project.