I am looking for a data structure that can mimic an Object or a struct. Really, just some compact way to pass around different types of variables. Currently I am using a tuple but referencing various parts of the tuple is less pleasant than I would like. Currently I've just created aliases that represent the various locations in the tuple:
alias AuxClass = tuple[str,str,list[int],list[int],Dec];
int ACLS = 0;
But I've had to restructure this tuple and thus had to change the indexing. Is there something I can use here that I've missed or perhaps a feature coming in the future?
Please take a look at the algebraic data types feature:
You can create a constructor to represent the type of data that you are trying to define above, similar to what you would do with a struct, and give each element in the constructor a field name:
data AuxClass = auxClass(str f1, str f2, list[int] f3, list[int] f4, Dec f5)
You can then create new instances of this just using the constructor name and providing the data:
a = auxClass("Hello", "World", [1,2,3], [4,5,6], D1)
(where D1
is a Dec
Once you have an instance, you can access information using the field names:
a.f1 // which equals "Hello"
a.f3 // which equals [1,2,3]
// which currently equals 3
and you can update information using the field names:
a.f2 = "Rascal"
a.f4 = a.f4 + 7 // f4 is now [4,5,6,7]
Algebraic data types are actually quite flexible, so there is a lot you can do with them beyond this. Feel free to look through the documentation and ask questions here.