I have multiple NSButtons generated with this code:
var height = 0
var width = 0
var ar : Array<NSButton> = []
var storage = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
height = storage.integerForKey("mwHeight")
width = storage.integerForKey("mwWidth")
var x = 0
var y = 0
var k = 1
for i in 1...height {
for j in 1...width {
var but = NSButton(frame: NSRect(x: x, y: y + 78, width: 30, height: 30))
but.tag = k
but.title = ""
but.action = Selector("buttonPressed:")
but.target = self
but.bezelStyle = NSBezelStyle(rawValue: 6)!
x += 30
y += 30
x = 0
And I need to add the NSClickGestureRecognizer
to each of them to recognize secondary mouse button clicks. Is there any way to do that programmatically?
This should work:
let g = NSClickGestureRecognizer()
g.target = self
g.buttonMask = 0x2 // right button
g.numberOfClicksRequired = 1
g.action = Selector("buttonGestured:")
and later
func buttonGestured(g:NSGestureRecognizer) {
if let v = g.view as? NSButton {
debugPrintln("tag: \(v.tag)")