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inotifywait with a fifo queue in Bash

I wrote a small Bash script which uses inotify-tools and the inotify interface. My problem is, that one of the commands in this function can block the execution until it's finished. This way the function gets stuck.

To solve this I would like to queue up detected files (by the close event), and read the queue from another function. Does anybody have a clue how to do this in Bash?

The variables in the following are simple strings to find directories or to assign file names.

inotifywait -mrq -e close --format %w%f /some/dir/ | while read FILE
    NAME=$(echo $CAP)_"`date +"%F-%H-%M-%S"`.pcap"
    logger -i "$FILE was just closed"
    # cp "$FILE" "$DATA/$CAP/$ENV/$NAME"
    rsync -avz --stats --log-file=/root/rsync.log "$FILE" "$DATA/$CAP/$ENV/$NAME" >> /root/rsync_stats.log
    if [ $RESULT -eq 0 ] ; then
        logger -i "Success: $FILE copied to SAN $DATA/$CAP/$ENV/$NAME, code $RESULT"
        logger -i "Fail:    $FILE copy failed to SAN for $DATA/$CAP/$ENV/$NAME, code $RESULT"

    rm "$FILE"
    if [ $RESULT -eq 0 ] ; then
        logger -i "Success: deletion successfull for $FILE, code $RESULT"
        logger -i "Fail:    deletion failed for $FILE on SSD, code $RESULT"

    logger -i "$NAME was handled"
    # for stdout
    echo "`date`: Moved file" 

I am copying the files to a SAN volume which sometimes has answering time variations. That is the reason why this function can get stuck for a while. I replaced cp with Rsync because I need the throughput stats. Cp (from coreutils) apparently doesn't do this.


  • A couple of ideas:

    1) You could use a named pipe as a limited-size queue:

    mkfifo pipe
    your_message_source | while read MSG
      #collect files in a pipe 
      echo "$MSG" >> pipe
    done &
    while read MSG 
     #Do your blocking work here
    done < pipe

    This would block on echo "$MSG" >> pipe when the pipe's buffer gets filled (you can get the size of that buffer with ulimit -p (multiply by 512). This might be sufficient for some cases.

    2) You could use a file as a message queue and file lock it on each operation:

     #Feeder part
        your_message_source | while read MSG     
                flock 9
                echo "$MSG" >> file_based_queue 
                ) 9> file_based_queue 
           done &
       # Worker part
       while :
        #Lock shared queue and cut'n'paste it's content to the worker's private queue
          flock 9
          cp file_based_queue workers_queue
          truncate -s0 file_based_queue   
        ) 9> file_based_queue
        #process private queue
        while read MSG 
         #Do your blocking work here   
        done < workers_queue 

    You're only blocking inotifywait if you're in the worker loop in the (flock ... ) 9>file_based_queue subshell and after the flock command at the same time. You could have the queues in a RAMdisk (/dev/shm) to minimize the time you spend there so that you don't miss out on FS events.

    3) Or you could use some bash interface to (or execute scripts in languages that have an interface to) database-backed message-queues or to the SysV message queue.