I'm using the Windows Azure Media Services .NET SDK 3 to make use of the streaming services. I want to retrieve the duration of the video. How can I retrieve the duration of a video using the Windows Azure Media Services .NET SDK 3?
Azure creates some metadata files (xml) which could be queried for the duration. These files be accessed using the media-service extension
Under Get Assets Meta Data:
// The asset encoded with the Windows Media Services Encoder. Get a reference to it from the context.
IAsset asset = null;
// Get a SAS locator for the asset (make sure to create one first).
ILocator sasLocator = asset.Locators.Where(l => l.Type == LocatorType.Sas).First();
// Get one of the asset files.
IAssetFile assetFile = asset.AssetFiles.ToList().Where(af => af.Name.EndsWith(".mp4", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).First();
// Get the metadata for the asset file.
AssetFileMetadata manifestAssetFile = assetFile.GetMetadata(sasLocator);
TimeSpan videoDuration = manifestAssetFile.Duration;