I can create a sequence of single letters using
LETTERS[seq( from = 1, to = 10 )]
letters[seq( from = 1, to = 10 )]
I can create a random string of various length, using the random
string <- randomStrings(n=10, len=5, digits=TRUE, upperalpha=TRUE,
loweralpha=TRUE, unique=TRUE, check=TRUE)
Unfortunately, I cannot use the set.seed
function for example 2
Is there a way to create the same (random) combination of (unique) strings everytime one runs a R-file?
My result would look like this (with the same result everytime I run the function):
[1,] "k7QET"
[2,] "CLlWm"
[3,] "yPuwh"
[4,] "JJqEX"
[5,] "38soF"
[6,] "xkozk"
[7,] "uaiOW"
[8,] "tZcrW"
[9,] "8K4Cc"
[10,] "RAhuU"
In a file, say test.R, add the following
stringi::stri_rand_strings(10, 5)
Then it's reproducible every time.
replicate(5, source("test.R", verbose = FALSE)$value)
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
# [1,] "GNZuC" "GNZuC" "GNZuC" "GNZuC" "GNZuC"
# [2,] "twed3" "twed3" "twed3" "twed3" "twed3"
# [3,] "CAgNl" "CAgNl" "CAgNl" "CAgNl" "CAgNl"
# [4,] "UizNm" "UizNm" "UizNm" "UizNm" "UizNm"
# [5,] "vDe7G" "vDe7G" "vDe7G" "vDe7G" "vDe7G"
# [6,] "N0NrL" "N0NrL" "N0NrL" "N0NrL" "N0NrL"
# [7,] "TbUBp" "TbUBp" "TbUBp" "TbUBp" "TbUBp"
# [8,] "fn6iP" "fn6iP" "fn6iP" "fn6iP" "fn6iP"
# [9,] "oemYW" "oemYW" "oemYW" "oemYW" "oemYW"
# [10,] "m1Tjg" "m1Tjg" "m1Tjg" "m1Tjg" "m1Tjg"
As an alternative to source()
, you could use parse()
replicate(5, eval(parse("test.R")))