I have configured Roxy File Manager with ckEditor. I have completed the installation,and it is working fine.File upload is also working fine the issue is with file selection.when I try to select image from server it shows me the alert message. Here given two images I don't know what needs to be change in json file.so Please guide me how to configure the json file
here is my json file conf.json
"MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH": "1000",
"INTEGRATION": "custom",
"DIRLIST": "php/dirtree.php",
"CREATEDIR": "php/createdir.php",
"DELETEDIR": "php/deletedir.php",
"MOVEDIR": "php/movedir.php",
"COPYDIR": "php/copydir.php",
"RENAMEDIR": "php/renamedir.php",
"FILESLIST": "php/fileslist.php",
"UPLOAD": "php/upload.php",
"DOWNLOAD": "php/download.php",
"DOWNLOADDIR": "php/downloaddir.php",
"DELETEFILE": "php/deletefile.php",
"MOVEFILE": "php/movefile.php",
"COPYFILE": "php/copyfile.php",
"RENAMEFILE": "php/renamefile.php",
"GENERATETHUMB": "php/thumb.php",
"DEFAULTVIEW": "list",
"FORBIDDEN_UPLOADS": "zip js jsp jsb mhtml mht xhtml xht php phtml php3 php4 php5 phps shtml jhtml pl sh py cgi exe application gadget hta cpl msc jar vb jse ws wsf wsc wsh ps1 ps2 psc1 psc2 msh msh1 msh2 inf reg scf msp scr dll msi vbs bat com pif cmd vxd cpl htpasswd htaccess",
"LANG": "auto",
"DATEFORMAT": "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm",
"OPEN_LAST_DIR": "yes"
Just write down the name of editor in conf.js
right now INTEGRATION : "custom" replace it with "INTEGRATION": "ckeditor",