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Creating master/detail flow with ViewPager

How can I use the master detail flow inside a tabbed activity?

I have a view pager that has 3 pages. I'm trying to use the master/detail flow provided by android studio as one of the fragments in the view pager.


  • You can try doing this:

    1. Change the extends from Activity to Fragment.
    2. Add the method onCreateView and move everything from onCreate there except super.onCreate() and setContentView():

      public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
          FragmentActivity faActivity  = (FragmentActivity)    super.getActivity();
          // Replace LinearLayout by the type of the root element of the layout you're trying to load
          LinearLayout        llLayout    = (LinearLayout)    inflater.inflate(R.layout.activity_layout, container, false);
          // Of course you will want to faActivity and llLayout in the class and not this method to access them in the rest of
          // the class, just initialize them here

      // Content of previous onCreate() here // ...

      // Don't use this method, it's handled by inflater.inflate() above :
      // setContentView(R.layout.activity_layout);
      // The FragmentActivity doesn't contain the layout directly so we must use our instance of     LinearLayout :
      // Instead of :
      // findViewById(;
      return llLayout; // We must return the loaded Layout


    3. Remove method onCreate.

    4. Everywhere you access the Activity with this.something or just something replace with super.getActivity(). or use the value saved in the onCreateView like shown in 2). Example : Intent i = getIntent(); become Intent i = super.getActivity().getIntent()