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How to make multiple data sets using do loops in SAS/IML?

I was trying the following codes:

proc IML;
do i=1 to 20;  
[some codes to execute]  

So I am expecting to get 20 data sets after completing the do loops. Is it possible in SAS? I can do it using macro, but I do not like to use macro within PROC IML!

Thanks in advance.


  • If you have SAS/IML 12.1, which shipped in August 2012 as part of SAS 9.3m2, then you can just enclose the name of each data set in parentheses, like this

    proc iml;
    names = "Data1":"Data20";
    do i = 1 to ncol(names);
       x = i;
       dsname = names[i];   /* construct each name */
       create (dsname) from x;
       append from x;
       close (dsname);

    For a complete program and explanation, see the last example in the article "Read data sets that are specified by an array of names."