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Matlab urlread button click on homepage

I try to read data from the homepage with Matlab.

I already managed to filter the relevant type and date with the command

[str, ~] = urlread(['', ...
                        'auctionType=SECONDARY_CONTROL_POWER', ...
                        '&', ...
                        '&', ...
                        '&', ...
                        '&', ...

Now I want Matlab to hit the Detail button on the homepage right next to the first auction and output the data of the first auction as a string. Any ideas how to make Matlab address the page that appears, when you hit the Detail button?

Thank you!!


  • I solved it myself. This is the solution link I have to call where the number behind 'auctionReultListIndex' describes which bid in the list I want to see:

    So the Maltab code is:

    [str, ~] = urlread(['']); 

    Then the parameter str contains a string with the specific bid details.