I am trying to use Swift to implement the Microsoft Band SDK. I keep getting this error when trying to set up my code.
class ViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDelegate, UIImagePickerControllerDelegate, UINavigationControllerDelegate, MSBClientManagerDelegate, UIScrollViewDelegate {
I have never seen this before, but I have also never tried to convert an Objective C sample to Swift.
Any help would be appreciated!
EDIT: Here is the protocol from Objective C
@protocol MSBClientManagerDelegate<NSObject>
- (void)clientManager:(MSBClientManager *)clientManager clientDidConnect:(MSBClient *)client;
- (void)clientManager:(MSBClientManager *)clientManager clientDidDisconnect:(MSBClient *)client;
- (void)clientManager:(MSBClientManager *)clientManager client:(MSBClient *)client didFailToConnectWithError:(NSError *)error;
EDIT 2: After using suggested Swift Helper class
This is how I am trying to set up the connection.
var clients:NSArray = bandHelper.attachedClients()!
var firstClient: MSBClient = clients[0] as MSBClient
if (clients.count == 0){
println("The band is not detected")
I have no clue how this should be set up
bandHelper.connectClient(firstClient, {completion: (connected:true -> void in)})
println("Please wait...connecting to band")
Then, when trying to send a photo to the band, this function does not work
bandHelper.client?.personalizationManager.updateMeTileImage(bandScaledImage, { (completionHandler: NSError!) -> Void in
NSLog("%@", NSError())})
I am getting thrown off by using the helper class. Any help would be appreciated!
Sample Project
I linked a sample Swift project for Microsoft Band Kit iOS that can send a haptic to the band. Find the link here: http://droolfactory.blogspot.com/2015/03/ios-swift-example-of-connecting-with.html
Microsoft Band Bridging Header
First to convert the Objective-C classes to be used with Swift, create a Bridging Header. Mine look like this for just the MicrosoftBandKit-iOS framework:
#ifndef ModuleName_Bridging_Header_h
#define ModuleName_Bridging_Header_h
#import <MicrosoftBandKit_iOS/MicrosoftBandKit_iOS.h>
Make sure to replace the ModuleName with the name of your apps Module. Find more on Bridging Header files at: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/BuildingCocoaApps/MixandMatch.html
Band Helper Class
Next I wrapped the MSBClientManagerDelegate in a helper class (BandManager) which uses a singleton to manage the Band. I have a gist for it here (https://gist.github.com/mthistle/8f6eb30c68a918fc6240)
The code for this the gist is:
import Foundation
let kConnectionChangedNotification = "kConnectionChangedNotification"
let kConnectionFailedNotification = "kConnectionFailedNotification"
private let _SharedBandManagerInstance = BandManager()
class BandManager : NSObject, MSBClientManagerDelegate {
private(set) var client: MSBClient?
private var connectionBlock: ((Bool) -> ())?
private var discoveredClients = [MSBClient]()
private var clientManager = MSBClientManager.sharedManager()
class var sharedInstance: BandManager {
return _SharedBandManagerInstance
override init() {
self.clientManager.delegate = self
func attachedClients() -> [MSBClient]? {
if let manager = self.clientManager {
self.discoveredClients = [MSBClient]()
for client in manager.attachedClients() {
self.discoveredClients.append(client as! MSBClient)
return self.discoveredClients
func disconnectClient(client: MSBClient) {
if (!client.isDeviceConnected) {
if let manager = self.clientManager {
self.client = nil
func connectClient(client: MSBClient, completion: (connected: Bool) -> Void) {
if (client.isDeviceConnected && self.client == client) {
if (self.connectionBlock != nil)
if let connectedClient = self.client {
self.connectionBlock = completion;
func clientManager(clientManager: MSBClientManager!, clientDidConnect client: MSBClient!) {
if (self.connectionBlock != nil) {
self.client = client
self.connectionBlock = nil
func clientManager(clientManager: MSBClientManager!, clientDidDisconnect client: MSBClient!) {
func clientManager(clientManager: MSBClientManager!, client: MSBClient!, didFailToConnectWithError error: NSError!) {
if error != nil {
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName(kConnectionFailedNotification, object: self, userInfo: ["client": client])
func fireClientChangeNotification(client: MSBClient) {
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName(kConnectionChangedNotification, object: self, userInfo: ["client": client])