The situation is following:
abstract class A {
void doSomething() => print('Do something..');
class B implements A {
void doSomething() => print('Do something already..');
class C extends A {
I have an abstract class A. Class B implements A. Therefore it overrides doSomething() method. Class C extends A.
Everything works fine, until I'm adding factory constructor to class A:
abstract class A {
factory A() => new B();
void doSomething() => print('Do something..');
This leads to an error in my IDE (IntelliJ IDEA):
The generative constructor expected, but factory found
My first idea was to create constructor for class C where I would call factory constructor for A. Is it possible to do?
I got the same problem when I try to extend Exception class. It also has a factory constructor:
abstract class Exception {
factory Exception([var message]) => new _ExceptionImplementation(message);
Thats why to create my custom exception I have to implement Exception class instead of extending it and it really confuses me.
I also would like to clarify one terminology question. Can I say that from point of view of B class, A is an interface, so B is implementing interface A. However, from point of view of C class, A is an abstract class so C is extending abstract class A. Are these statements correct?
Thank you.
If a class has no constructor a generative constructor is implicitly added. If a class has an explicit constructor no generative constructor is added. You have two options.
abstract class A {
void doSomething() => print('Do something..');
factory => new B();
abstract class A {
void doSomething() => print('Do something..');
factory A() => new B();
class C extends A {
C() : super.protected();
try at DartPad
Your statement is right. If you implement a class it acts as an interface and if you extend it it acts as a base class.