I am tasked to integrate a CF code(about 70 lines) into our site then configure it to communicate to another site's server. However, our hosting site is just a typical server without CF support. Will the code run? All I know is that CF is Adobe's version of PHP and ASP. I have no experience coding it. Could you please enlighten me? From what I gathered from the internet, you have to have a CF server in order to run a CF code but the resources seem scarce. I just need someone knowledgeable to verify...
In order to run ColdFusion code (CFML), you need to have a ColdFusion processor on your server. This means either using Adobe ColdFusion, or if you're looking to save money, try looking at Railo or Open BlueDragon, both are CFML processors. Any one of these solutions will work if you are in control of the server, however, if you are on a shared hosting account, you may be out of luck. Many hosts will have ColdFusion as an add-on service to your hosting account. It's best to ask your host to see if they offer it.
If you can't get any of these solutions, the best you could do would be to go about translating that code (or, engaging the services of someone who knows how to do it) so that it would run on your host. This would mean taking it from CFML to PHP, ASP, or .NET (Visual Basic / C#). You won't find software that can do this for you.