I have two manytomany fields for my model ModelFrom, that both go to the same Model, call it ModelTo.
field_one = ManyToManyField(ModelTo)
checked = ManyToManyField(ModelTo)
checked is a subset of field one. I have properly validated this in model clean() and adminform clean() methods, and updated model::save() to call self.full_clean().
Ideally, I would have one widget, much like the django.forms.SelectMultiple, but with a checkbox inside each <option>
what it currently looks like, I have one of these widgets for each field:
I want to combine them and have a checkbox or something, here is my unicode representation of what it would look like
{ [ blah: 2 ☐] , [blah: 1 ☑] }
Value in the list -> field one is set. Checked box -> checked is set as it is a subset of field_one.
I have seen jQuery UI MultiSelect Widget but there doesn't seem to be a way to be able to select an option, but not check the box.
I couldn't directly answer my own question, but like most questions, if the answer is not possible then there may be an underlying problem.
Instead of having two many2many fields, I should just have one, setting the through property, for an intermediate field. Like so:
class IntermediateField(models.Model):
checked = BooleanField()
from = ForeignKey(ModelFrom)
to = ForeignKey(ModelTo)
field_one = ManyToManyField(ModelTo, through=IntermediateField)
Then, we can just use an inline for IntermediateField in ModelFrom admin, easily checking the boxes etc