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getting dynamically created NPOCO object keys and values C# using reflection

I have to write an adminsitrative module where the sys admin can check all the values in a table that he chooses. Since the database has more than 100 tables, I wrote a generic method that returns an IEnumerable<object> with the data:

 public IEnumerable<Object> getAllData(string tableName)
    IEnumerable<Object> result = new List<Object>();
    string sql = string.Concat("SELECT * FROM ", tableName);
    using (var uow = _provider.GetUnitOfWork())
        result = uow.Instance.Fetch<Object>(sql);
    return result;

Each item in the result is of type object{NPoco.PocoExpando}, and I need to get the keys and values for each item to convert them in a single string. When I make a foreach in the collection, this is what every item has on it:

Visual Studio Watch Panel

So, how can I get access to those "Keys" and "Values" properties? Getting the dictionary may help too.

Edit: This is the code that works, thanks to @Shaun Luttin for the answer

foreach (object item in result) 
    foreach (var property in (IDictionary<String, Object>)item) 
        //Do awesome stuff! 


  • From looking at the source of NPoco.PocoExpando, it implements IDictionary<string, object>, so you can cast each item and iterate the properties.

    This is the same strategy that we would use to iterate the properties of an ExpandoObject. Here is a DotNetFiddle that shows the strategy.

    using System;
    using System.Dynamic;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    public class Program
        public static void Main()
            dynamic resultItem = new ExpandoObject();
            resultItem.Name = "John Smith";
            resultItem.Age = 33;
            // cast as IDictionary
            foreach (var property in (IDictionary<String, Object>)resultItem)
                Console.WriteLine(property.Key + ": " + property.Value);