I have a C# console app that I want to use to interact with the Google Maps APIs. However, I'm not sure which Nuget package to use. I have a list of city names and I want to get the distance between each city. In other words, pretend I have the following list:
Portland, OR
Las Vegas, NV
San Diego, CA
Ultimately, I want to be able to generate a matrix that looks like this.
| | Portland, OR | Las Vegas, NV | San Diego, CA |
| Portland, OR | 0 mi. | 978 mi. | 1,083 mi. |
| Las Vegas, NV | 978 mi. | 0 mi. | 331 mi. |
| San Diego, CA | 1,083 mi. | 331 mi. | 0 mi. |
For that reason, I just need to figure out which Nuget package will let me query the Google Maps API and get the distance between two points. However, even after searching the packages, I can't tell which one to use. Can anyone tell me which one is the best option?
Probably gmaps-api-net - https://www.nuget.org/packages/gmaps-api-net/
The project website: https://github.com/ericnewton76/gmaps-api-net
The actual api you have to use is Direction Matrix, and it is documented here: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/distancematrix/