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Need to show image from image path stored in mysql to Crystal Report Viewer in C#(VS 2008)

I need to show the image dynamically in Crystal Report from MySQL image path in c# (Visual studio 2008). I have stored the image path in MySQL DB, but couldnt able to display the image on the CR. Code which i have tested is not working. Lots of goggling done already in this, cant find a solutions still. Please help..!!

DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            string Student = "SELECT `photo_path` FROM `tc` WHERE `register_no`= '" + Reg_No + "';";
          //  MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(conn);
            MySqlCommand cmd1 = new MySqlCommand(Student, conn);
            MySqlDataReader Detail1 = cmd1.ExecuteReader();
            ReportDocument rptDoc = new ReportDocument();
            MySqlDataAdapter da = new MySqlDataAdapter(); // .xsd file name
            da.SelectCommand = cmd1;
            while (Detail1.Read())
                string image = Detail1.GetString(0);
 dt.Columns.Add("Image", System.Type.GetType("System.Byte[]"));
           FileStream fs;
           //if (File.Exists(Image))
           //    fs = new FileStream(Image, FileMode.Open);
           //    MessageBox.Show("Please File Not Exist");
          BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);
           byte[] imgbyte = new byte[fs.Length + 1];
           imgbyte = br.ReadBytes(Convert.ToInt32((fs.Length)));

           foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
               dr["Image"] = imgbyte;
           TC_Report myReport = new TC_Report();
           crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = myReport;

I am adding the full code from the form load of crystal report viewer. Now i am getting a error like "you can provide a single value for this parameter" and asks for the discrete value, if i give any value it doesn't show any report . It generates report with data but not the image if i command the lines below the /////////// which i have marked in the code. I really having a very tough time with this crystal report showing image from database. Whats wrong with the code please help..

 //creating an object of Report Document class
    ReportDocument reportDocument = new ReportDocument();
    //creating an object of ParameterField class
    ParameterField paramField = new ParameterField();
    //creating an object of ParameterFields class
    ParameterFields paramFields = new ParameterFields();
    //creating an object of ParameterDiscreteValue class
    ParameterDiscreteValue paramDiscreteValue = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
    paramField.Name = "StudentTC";
    //set the parameter value
    paramDiscreteValue.Value = Reg_No;
    //add the parameter value in the ParameterField object
    //add the parameter in the ParameterFields object
    //set the parameterfield information in the crystal report
    crystalReportViewer1.ParameterFieldInfo = paramFields;
    MySqlConnection conn;
    MySqlCommand cmd;
    MySqlDataAdapter adap;
    // MessageBox.Show(Reg_No);
    // Code to get data from database 
    conn = new MySqlConnection("Server=localhost; Database=mcet; User ID=root; Password=; charset=utf8;");
    cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
    cmd.CommandText = "SELECT T2.photo_path,title, firstname, father_name, mother_name, gender, DATE_FORMAT(dob, '%d-%m-%Y') AS DOB, dobw, nationality, e_mail, religion, caste, community, admission_no, degree, department,DATE_FORMAT(doa, '%d-%m-%Y') AS DOA, DATE_FORMAT(dol, '%d-%m-%Y') AS DOL, lentry FROM student_details T1 LEFT JOIN tc T2 ON T1.register_no = T2.register_no where T1.register_no='" + Reg_No + "' ";
    adap = new MySqlDataAdapter();
    adap.SelectCommand = cmd;
       TC_Dataset StudentDB = new TC_Dataset();
        //var StudentDB = new DataSet();
        adap.Fill(StudentDB, "Student");

        // Create a CrystalReport1 object 
        TC_Report myReport = new TC_Report();
        // Set the DataSource of the report 
        // Set the Report Source to ReportView 
        crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = myReport;
       // crystalReportViewer1.Refresh();


        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        MySqlDataReader Detail1 = cmd.ExecuteReader();
        ReportDocument rptDoc = new ReportDocument();
        while (Detail1.Read())
            string image = Detail1.GetString(0);
        MySqlDataAdapter da = new MySqlDataAdapter(); // 
        da.SelectCommand = cmd;
        dt.Columns.Add("Image", System.Type.GetType("System.Byte[]"));
        FileStream fs;
        fs = new FileStream("E:\\student\\Photo\\" + Reg_No + ".jpg", FileMode.Open);
        //string path = Path.Combine("E:\\student\\Photo\\", Reg_No) + ".jpg";

        //if (File.Exists(path))
        //    fs = new FileStream("E:\\student\\Photo\\" + Reg_No + ".jpg", FileMode.Open);

        //    MessageBox.Show("Please File Not Exist");

        BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);
        byte[] imgbyte = new byte[fs.Length + 1];
        imgbyte = br.ReadBytes(Convert.ToInt32((fs.Length)));

        foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
            dr["Image"] = imgbyte;
        TC_Report myReport1 = new TC_Report();
        crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = myReport1;


  • @utility, Thanks for helping me out to get this work done. This code is for storing the image as Blob datatype in MySql and bring it into CR using parameter dynamically.

         MySqlConnection conn;
         MySqlCommand cmd;
         MySqlDataAdapter adap;
        // Code to get data from database
        conn = new MySqlConnection("Server=localhost; Database=dbname; User ID=root; Password=; charset=utf8;");
        cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
        cmd.CommandText = "SELECT photo_path,title, firstname FROM student_details WHERE `register_no`='" + Reg_No + "' ";
        adap = new MySqlDataAdapter();
        adap.SelectCommand = cmd;
        TC_Dataset StudentDB = new TC_Dataset();    //TC_Dataset is the Dataset name, which you have created.
        adap.Fill(StudentDB, "TC_dt");     // TC_dt is the DataTable name in the Dataset
        // Create a CrystalReport1 object 
        TC_Report myReport = new TC_Report();    //TC_Report is the name of the Crystal Report (rpt file)
        TextObject txt1 = (TextObject)myReport.ReportDefinition.Sections["Section1"].ReportObjects["Text68"]; **//  this is used to send the data from text box to CR (Text68) is the textfield name in CR, Year_leaving contains the date of the textbox as string.**
        txt1.Text = Year_leaving;
        TextObject txt2 = (TextObject)myReport.ReportDefinition.Sections["Section1"].ReportObjects["Text21"];
        txt2.Text = reason_leaving;
        // Set the DataSource of the report
        // Set the Report Source to ReportView 
        crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = myReport;  //crystalReportViewer1 is the CR Viewer name which is in the form