In IE6 the paragraph following the empty paragraph is displayed with the background color of the empty paragraph, which I'm guessing is wrong! It works correctly in Firefox, but I haven't checked IE7.
Is there a CSS solution to this problem, or do I have to remove the empty element?
(I would rather not have to remove empty elements, as that involves writing code to check whether every element is empty before outputting it)
The behaviour is unchanged using either strict or transitional doctypes (added this comment in response to answers)
Interestingly the effect does not occur with text color, only background color.
<p style='background-color:green'>Green content</p>
<p style='background-color:red'>Red content</p>
<p>Unstyled background working because previous red element is not empty</p>
<p style='background-color:green'>Green content</p>
<p style='background-color:red'></p>
<p>Unstyled background broken because previous red element is empty</p>
<p style='color:green'>Green content</p>
<p style='color:red'>Red content</p>
<p>Unstyled text color working because previous red element is not empty</p>
<p style='color:green'>Green content</p>
<p style='color:red'></p>
<p>Unstyled text color working even though previous red element is empty</p>
An empty paragraph is meaningless - which means you're probably writing the wrong HTML.
Also, your example doesn't have a DOCTYPE - a valid DOCTYPE is essential for getting browsers to correctly interpret your code, without one you'll be stuck in quirks mode.
But anyway, the simplest workaround for this bug is simply set a background for your current unstyled element.