I have a Ruby on Rails app and I am writing my mailer to send SMTP headers to Mandrill. I think I have an issue with getting a variable into a string:
class MyMailer < Devise::Mailer
helper :application # gives access to all helpers defined within `application_helper`.
include Devise::Controllers::UrlHelpers # Optional. eg. `confirmation_url`
def confirmation_instructions(record, token, opts={})
headers['X-MC-MergeVars'] = '{"ctoken1": "Drip Email"}'
temp_var = "Hello Everyone"
headers['X-MC-MergeVars'] = '{"tag_test_1": "yoyoyo"}' # 1
# headers['X-MC-MergeVars'] = "{'tag_test_1': 'yoyoyo'}" # 2
# headers['X-MC-MergeVars'] = "{'tag_test_1': #{temp_var}}" # 3
# headers['X-MC-MergeVars'] = '{"tag_test_1": #{temp_var}}' # 4
headers['X-MC-MergeVars'] = '{"ctoken3": "Test at the End"}'
I want to get the "temp_var" variable into the header. You can see my 4 attempts.
Firstly - a sanity check - The syntax in #1 works fine - the variable "tag_test_1" in my mandrill email gets replaced by "yoyoyo" but of course this is not using a ruby variable.
None of my attempts 2,3 or 4 work. My Mandrill email receives TAG_TEST_1 rather than the variable replacement ("Hello Everyone").
Ultimately what I am trying to do is get the Account Activation link into an email via Mandrill. So I think I will need to send the 'token' variable, but for now I cannot seem to get a known variable (temp_var) to get passed to the email.
My suspicion is that I am not understanding the Ruby string syntax correctly.
Any help appreciated!
I would try this:
headers['X-MC-MergeVars'] = "{\"tag_test_1\": \"#{temp_var}\"}"
Or this:
headers['X-MC-MergeVars'] = %Q'{"tag_test_1": "#{temp_var}"}'