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oracle nested table select

How can I write a query that lists the first and last names of all drivers, along with the vehicle identification number of the car they drive? This is what I have so far:

Create type DRIVER_TY as object (first_name VARCHAR2(20), last_name VARCHAR2(20), date_of_birth VARCHAR2(20));
Create type OWNER_TY as object (first_name VARCHAR2(20), last_name VARCHAR2(20), date_purchased VARCHAR2(25));
Create type OWNERS_NT is table of OWNER_TY;
Create table AUTOMOBILE (vehicle_identification_number NUMBER(25) PRIMARY KEY,
driver DRIVERS_VA,owner OWNERS_NT) NESTED TABLE owner STORE AS owner_infor;


  • Your posted code doesn't quite match with your question, so I created this variant table:

    Create table AUTOMOBILE (
       vehicle_identification_number NUMBER(25) PRIMARY KEY,
        drivers DRIVERS_VA,
        owners OWNERS_NT) 
        NESTED TABLE owners STORE AS owner_infor,
        NESTED TABLE drivers STORE AS driver_infor;

    I populated it with some test data:

    insert into automobile
    values ( 23
            , DRIVERS_VA(DRIVER_TY('FOX', 'IN SOCKS', date '1947-08-11')
                          , DRIVER_TY('MR', 'KNOX', date '1941-02-01')
           , OWNERS_NT(OWNER_TY('THE', 'LORAX', date '1969-01-01')
    insert into automobile 
    values ( 42
                , DRIVERS_VA(DRIVER_TY('SAM', 'I AM', date '1988-08-11')
                              , DRIVER_TY('DAISY-HEAD', 'MAYZIE', date '1983-02-01')
               , OWNERS_NT(OWNER_TY('THE', 'LORAX', date '1969-01-01')

    Here is the query you want:

    SQL> select a.vehicle_identification_number as vin
      2         , drv.first_name
      3         , drv.last_name
      4  from automobile a
      5       , table(a.drivers) drv
      6  /
           VIN FIRST_NAME           LAST_NAME
    ---------- -------------------- --------------------
            23 FOX                  IN SOCKS
            23 MR                   KNOX
            42 SAM                  I AM
            42 DAISY-HEAD           MAYZIE

    The TABLE() function converts a nested table into a queryable object; it's pretty cool. Note that aliases are optional but advisable (as always).