I have a textarea (id=output2) that has a list of numbers in it. I have ASP code that writes data to a text file and it works if I specify the text.
Code to Write to Text File:
function WriteToFile(FileName, Contents, Append)
on error resume next
if Append = true then
iMode = 8
iMode = 2
end if
set oFs = server.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set oTextFile = oFs.OpenTextFile(FileName, iMode, True)
oTextFile.Write Contents
set oTextFile = nothing
set oFS = nothing
end function
Then this code overwrites the file and inserts the data AND WORKS:
WriteToFile "C:\INSTALL\Test1.txt", "Why is this so difficult??", False
But yet if I leave the first code alone and try to get dynamic data such as from a textarea field it fails with no error. Doesn't even touch the text file. I tried many many ways... here are five that FAILED:
WriteToFile "C:\INSTALL\Test1.txt", Document.getElementById("output2"), False
dim texttoinsert
texttoinsert = Document.getElementById("output2")
WriteToFile "C:\INSTALL\Test1.txt", texttoinsert, False
WriteToFile "C:\INSTALL\Test1.txt", Response.Write(Document.getElementById("output2")), False
dim texttoinsert
texttoinsert = "Starting to hate this"
WriteToFile "C:\INSTALL\Test1.txt", texttoinsert, False
dim texttoinsert
texttoinsert = "Definitely hate this"
WriteToFile "C:\INSTALL\Test1.txt", Response.Write(texttoinsert), False
I even did some VBscript that was able to tap into the Document.getElementById but I couldn't figure out how to get it to go into the ASP code.
document.getElementByID doesn't have any meaning in server-side code. You have to submit a form to pass data to function page and then use it like this:
html page:
<form action="myfunction.asp">
<input name="texttoinsert">
<input type="submit" value="write data">
function WriteToFile(FileName, Contents, Append)
on error resume next
if Append = "true" then
iMode = 8
iMode = 2
end if
set oFs = server.createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set oTextFile = oFs.OpenTextFile(FileName, iMode, True)
oTextFile.Write Contents
set oTextFile = nothing
set oFS = nothing
end function
texttoinsert = request("texttoinsert")
WriteToFile "C:\INSTALL\Test1.txt", texttoinsert, False