i'm making a bot that needs to detects some pixel colors at a few a spots every 100ms. The only way i found was to save the current screen to a bitmap and get those colors from this bitmap. But it seems like each 100ms it creates a new bitmap and don't get rid of the previous one, which constantly increase ram usage !
Here is my code :
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Dim Img As New Bitmap(1280, 720)
Dim ImgGraphics As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(Img)
ImgGraphics.CopyFromScreen(0, 0, 0, 0, Img.Size)
Dim Slot1Selec As Color = Img.GetPixel(1158, 572)
If Slot1Selec.ToArgb = -65906 Then
Label2.Text = ("1")
Else : Label2.Text = ("0")
End If
Dim Slot1Life As Color = Img.GetPixel(1148, 559)
If Slot1Life.ToArgb = -13052710 Then
Label3.Text = ("1")
Else : Label3.Text = ("0")
End If
And i'm checking 16 pixel colors, here only 2 but it's just the same thing after with Slot2Selec, Slot2life, Slot3Selec, Slot3Life etc...
Please help ! Else an other way to get a pixel color without creating those stupid bitmaps would help alot, thanks :)
Well i found a fix !
Forgot those lines at the end :
And voila.