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YII migrations and by default values for table columns

public function up(){

        $this->createTable('POST', array(
            'id' => 'pk',
            'isremoved' => 'integer NOT NULL',
            'removaldate' => 'timestamp NULL',
            'post' => 'text NOT NULL',
            'creationdate' => 'timestamp NOT NULL',

This is the up function for migration. As u see it is query for creating new table. By default YII creates default value for timestamp column equal to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and crates additional parameter and sets it equal to ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.

I do not need current value for timestamp and i do not need to update this column on updating row. What i must to do? By the way, u use MySQL


  • Leverage off the MySQL Create Table Script:

    show create table tablename

    Which gives:

    CREATE TABLE `tablename` (
    `timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,

    Now Add that to the migration:

    'timestamp' => 'timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'