I have a custom view, and I want to use RoboGuice to get views references.
I used this example:https://github.com/roboguice/roboguice/wiki/Your-First-Injection-into-a-Custom-View-class
I tried both options (v3, v3.1), but it does not seem to work (in onFinishInflate, my members are null)
In case it matters, my custom view inherits from a base custom view with a generic type.
Does anyone know why can this happen?
Try adding a call to injectViewMembers, after the injectMembers, which takes care of non-view injections. Not sure why it is not documented and in the sample code.
public ContactView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
this.attrs = attrs;
inflate(context,R.layout.contact_view, this);
if (!isInEditMode()) {